Simple Salmon Recipes to Enjoy During Lent

The day of Lent changes every year in accordance to the lunar calendar, similar to Easter Sunday. While it began as a Christian tradition, many people, no matter their religious preferences or lack thereof, now practice giving up certain food, drink or habits between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday. 

The Christian tradition is to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all the Fridays of Lent, but it does not include fish. This is where Wild for Salmon comes in! When you're dealing with dietary restrictions, it's important to keep preparation as simplistic as possible so you're not tempted to "break the rules". The crew at Wild for Salmon feels that this recipe roundup from the Spruce presents perfect options for the Lent season, or any time of year for that matter. 

Author, Linda Larsen, claims "Whether you use salmon steaks, fillets, or canned salmon, these quick and easy five ingredient salmon recipes will help you get a satisfying dinner on the table in a hurry."

Lucky for you, Wild for Salmon has all three product types - fillets, steaks, and canned salmon. You won't find a more sustainable, nutrient-dense product at your local grocer and the price is hard to beat, too. Enjoy!

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